Wednesday 11 February 2009

Getting there

Hi blog watchers,

I haven't quite got round to updating my photos but i will. I think I'll keep a note on my list progress by adding a star after the ones I've done o my list at the side here. That should make it easier to see where I'm up to.

As for news- this week I'm mostly obsessing about potential sunbathing inGibaltar as my Mum sent me a show off pic of her basking in the North African rays!!!

All together now....Here comes the sun la la la la!!

Lots of Love

KT xx

Tuesday 3 February 2009

skiing and some photos from this year

I should have emailed everyone I know asking if they had skis. Someone I know on facebook posted a video of herself skiing down a hill in streatham South London. That would have crossed that little baby off my list quick smart.
Oh well - the benefit of hindsight! thought I'd share some of the photos of my year so far . I promised didn't I.
Luv KT xx

Here is me swimming in the sea and me at Soul Survivor Festival (I waded through mud honest)

Sunday 18 January 2009

OK I've been slack but I'm starting in earnest

OK,OK, I know...
I've been pretty lame about the whole 30, 30 list but life kind of got in the way. But now I'm right back on it again. Not so many days to go but I AM making progress.

I have booked my trip to New York in May (me and 7 boys - go figure??!) and have been having my guitar lessons. Am inches away from playing in worship so that's coming along nicely. 
I'm meeting my cuz for drinks in London on Valentines day (the huz is footballing wouldn't you know :) ) and so perhaps the champagne/river thing might come off. There is a cousins day planned for the high ropes course in Easter - Oh and I'm flying to gibraltar business class in Feb - I know it's not first but it knd of counts as BA don't do first on that route (It's a bit of rule bending but have YOU got three grand to spend on a flight? No I thought not. 
So I am getting on with my list. 
I'm thing the music festival might be tough as they al are after my birthday. Does Soul Survivor last August count? I did wade through mud!!!

Still I feel I am making some progress. Soon I'll have the pics to prove it. 
Love and hugs Katie xx
P.S If anyone wants to get involved in helping me achieve any of the list items then send me a message. It'd be cool to share it with you ;)

Sunday 31 August 2008

More news on Lulu

Well, tommorow is the day set aside for Lulu's operation.
She and Ali and Dave are already at the hospital and apparently she is going into surgery tomorrow morning shortly after eight.
We are all worried especially as it has emerged Lulu may have some other complications.
I'm just praying.
Perhaps those of you who do such things would join me in praying and perhaps even fasting for Lulu tomorrow. Skip breakfast maybe!!
Prayers are much needed right now.
Love to Lulu, Anabella, Ali and Dave xxx

Thursday 21 August 2008

Life sneaks up

Sometimes in life you are cruising along nicely congratulating yourself on how well you've got it together when out of nowhere you're thrown a curveball. And as we all know, in our climate, when it rains it pours and refuses to stop however much you ask it to.
Literaly minutes after finishing my last post we had a call from my Sister to say my niece, little Lulu was in hospital with a hole in the heart. We dashed down and people flew back from gibraltar and Jersey and it was all very stressful for my sis. But then it began to get sorted. Lulu is being fed through a tube at home till she can have her operation and things were looking up.
Then last wednesday my Nan collapsed and died at home. It was very sudden and very sad.
The whole family is shocked and all i can say is if it weren't for the grace of God and his love and assurance I'm not sure I would be coping (how those in my family who don't believe in or trust in God are coping is beyond me!!). On top of that my Nan's neice in Ireland diedand our car got smashed up by a suicidal badger!
Anyway, once more things seem to be calming down. We are all left sad without my Nan, and anxious about Lulu but I for one am having to trust in God that he sees the bigger picture.
It all puts fringes and silly lists into perspective.
Till next time
KT xx

Thursday 7 August 2008

Fun Fun Fun and fringes

It's been a few weeks since I shared what's been going on in the new fun life of me so I though I'd better write evn though I'm not much further on with completing my list!!

Well anyway, the big news is all hair related - how shallow. First I went into post end of term melt down and dyed my hair (temporarily) red; then I had a fringe cut in, in a desperate attempt to look more rock and roll. Finally today I had my hair coloured-( more painting by numbers than essex highlights) and I'm loving the differences. I've got black and magenta and blonde all in there. I feel rather edgy even if I do say so myself.

And here is the photo evidence.


KT xx

Thursday 17 July 2008

School's Out for the Summer

Tomorrow is the last day of school for yet another year. I can't believe it has gone so quickly.
I'll be seriously working on my list over the coming six weeks so keep an eye out for new blog posts and more importantly the promised photo evidence.
I'm loving Summer